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Personal Growth


Primary Care Physicians & Weight Management Physicians located in Schaumburg, IL

Welcome to Kara Nance MD’s Healing, Holding & Exploration Space. Think of it as a virtual office where my hope is that you experience an atmosphere that allows you, your family, or your organization to unfold exactly how you’re supposed to. I’m hoping you’re here because you’re tired of flashy quick fix solutions and all the NOISE that exists in the health and wellness space. I’m a healer of the body, heart and mind that works with anyone facing challenges in the relational realm. This includes the relationship with yourself, your family and friends, your colleagues, or the greater world at large.

If you’re having trouble loving yourself or others just the way you/they are you’re in the right place. I invite you to settle in, get quiet, and open your heart to what you most deeply long for and then allow your intuition to guide you through this site to learn more about my offerings.

Learn more at  KaraNanceMD

Kara's Philosophy

As an internal medicine doctor, my focus has been on healing the body for 25 years. What I’ve learned over this period is that dis-ease in the heart, mind, and soul is often what leads to the symptoms in the body. I’m hoping you’re here because you already know that there is no pill or magic solution that will fix your problem. I’m imagining you have a sense that the roots go deeper. Usually, it’s a moment of despair or hopelessness that brings people to this point. If you work with me, I’m going to invite you to become very familiar with your tender spots because the suffering stops after we learn what the pain is here to teach us. I will invite you to visit the heart and mindspaces where you hide your fears and failures. While we can’t avoid these unpleasant experiences, we can learn to dance with them.

Have you ever golfed in Scotland? I haven’t, but I’m told that the courses there are not manicured or kept, and that the golfer is supposed to work with the natural terrain. I find this to be a beautiful metaphor for our internal landscape. Many of us have been taught that our fear, grief, rage, and disgust will not be welcomed and so we use medication, substances, experiences, or any multitude of strategies to numb ourselves to the turbulence that lives within.

My invitation is to welcome your experience in, no matter how scary, because it may be clearing you out for some new delight.

To find out more schedule a COMPLIMENTARY MEET & GREET SESSION


What we offer
